How to Check if an Email is

Today, it becomes more and more difficult for marketing experts to distinguish the good addresses from false. The validation of emails is therefore no longer a simple option, but becomes essential to deal with the sharp techniques used by spammers. Here are 5 simple and effective methods to perform the necessary checks, with a bonus a list of the best email validation platforms.

How to Check if an Email is Valid

How to check the validity
of an email address?

The marketing teams of an average company make the distribution lists grow every week by adding hundreds of new email addresses. A colossal quantity in which a number of typing mistakes, tote addresses and spam slip. It is then easy to understand why it is imperative to verify that each of these new addresses is valid before adding them to the list. Do not make it strongly risk impacting your sender score in a negative way, increasing the rebound rate of your shipments, ensuring that you are considered spam by messaging services, and especially not to Reach your target audience.

Checking the validity of an email is a quick and inexpensive approach that will allow you to keep a high rate of deliverability, therefore to obtain a better commitment from your customers, thus leading to better profitability.


Here are five methods
to make sure your emails are valid.

Send an email to the address

Send an email to the address

This is the simplest method to check the validity of an email. It works very well for marketing specialists who start with a small broadcast list, or for those who have only a few new addresses to add.

For the choice of the message that you will send to each address to validate, you can for example write: "Hello, this message simply aims to check the validity of the address entered. Please confirm that you read this email."

In the event of a false address, the message will rebound and your email provider will send you a type notification:

  • Not delivered: distribution failure for this recipient or groups:… ..
  • Address not found: your message was not sent to... because the address is not found. Check the typing faults or unnecessary spaces and try again.

Know that some messaging suppliers have a tote email address that serves them for messages sent to bad addresses. Thus, if your email landed in it, you will not receive any notification, but your message will not have reached the planned recipient.

Recover the password

Recover the password

To recover an account, the three main messaging suppliers (Google, Yahoo and Microsoft) use an email address auditor. It is a simple and effective way to help people recover their password, but also to know if the address entered is correct or not.

A tip that can be used for the validation of an email since you are enough, whenever you receive a message from one of these areas (Gmail for Google, Yahoo for Yahoo, and Outlook for Microsoft) Return to the corresponding recovery page and type the address to check:


Be careful however, this method does not work in all situations and takes a long time. If your distribution list is substantial and you regularly add a large number of new addresses, it is better to turn to another technique.

Do an IP address search

Do an IP address search

This method to verify the validity of an email is relatively simple and less technical than it may seem at first. The purpose of this process is to know the geolocation of an IP address. Indeed, each email received includes a hidden IP address in the source code of the message. When you display the latter, the IP address is under the mention "received from".

To use this method, copy the IP address, then stick to an online tool to search for an IP address. This will then indicate to you which ISP and which organization are associated with the IP address, as well as its location. If this address comes from a country or a region seeming you suspect, in this case it may not be good or stolen.

In the event of a false address, the message will rebound and your email provider will send you a type notification:

Keep in mind that this technique indicates the place of origin from the address, but it will not enlighten you on its deliverability or the reputation of the field used. In addition, it is not ideal for important lists.

Search for the address in Google

Search for the address in Google

Although this method does not allow you to know if an email address is false, it can however confirm its validity. Indeed, a large majority of people are present on the web, in one way or another (website, social networks, etc.), which makes it possible to feed search engines. Thus, a simple research on one of them generally makes it possible to find the person corresponding to the address, something that will not be possible if the address in question does not exist.

Use an email checker

Use an email checker

With the high rate of false addresses circulating, it is not surprising that there are many platforms offering a simple, fast and efficient verification of emails.

These make it possible to validate your addresses in only a few clicks, which is very practical, especially for the very long lists.

Some of these tools are free, but however limit the number of emails to validate, while those who are paying, often by subscription system, offer much wider possibilities. It's up to you to choose the service best suits your needs.


Which tool to choose
for email validation?

When it comes to a company using email marketing, it is essential to have clean and up-to-date mailing lists, therefore containing valid addresses. In the case of large lists to which new contacts are regularly added, the use of tools specially designed for email validation represents a real time saver.

To find the best validation tool for your needs, here are the main questions to ask yourself:

  • Does the service take care of syntax errors and, if so, does it offer suggestions for corrections for the addresses concerned?
  • Does the service take care of examining the domain, the mail server and the mail account in order to verify that they exist and that they can receive your mailings? Also, make sure the tool is able to find catch-all addresses.
  • Does the service detect spam traps? These are existing but invalid addresses used by email providers and anti-spam groups to catch malicious senders. This check will prevent you from being mistaken for a spammer.

Opt for an email validation platform that responds positively to three questions. This is the minimum necessary. Once you have found several tools, all you have to do is make your choice based on prices, ease of use, customer service, and the different cleaning options offered. Do not hesitate to read the opinions of other users.

To help you in your quest, here is a list of our 5 favorite free email checkers:


Captain Verify

Captain Verify offers an effective and simple solution to verify or test the validity of your email addresses. To do this, simply import your list from your CSV file. This will then be checked and analyzed. Once clean, all you have to do is download it and you're done!



Pabbly Email Verification is a powerful tool that can verify a large contact list with just a few clicks. Its particularly effective cleaning device checks the addresses manually, one by one. A process that can take a little longer, but which offers very precise results.



Known for its high accuracy with almost 50 million daily checks, EmailVerifier is very popular. It relies on ultra-sharp AI algorithms to spot risky, fake, catch-all and throwaway addresses.



This platform makes it easy to detect all fake addresses, inactive emails and spam. Again, just upload your roster, pass it to DeBounce and then pick it up clean afterwards. A great way to boost your sender score.



MyEmailVerifier helps remove fake, inactive or invalid addresses to reduce bounce rate by up to 98%. Its use is simple and practical, since all you have to do is download the mailing list, provide it to MyEmailVerifier and then retrieve it cleaned.